I came across a post on Facebook of someone requesting monetary assistance for a Mommy Dog and her six puppies. This mother dog was left on the street by the owner to die. I contacted the person who posted this and although I was apprehensive about helping someone I did not know, I still went ahead and helped her. At that point in time, I was only worried about how to help the six puppies and the mother to survive and get through the difficult period.
I contacted this courageous lady and started supporting the monthly expense of the puppies till they were grown enough for adoption. The day they were adopted, I felt so good. They could finally go to loving homes instead of dying on roads. Since then I am regularly supporting this change-maker who wants to ensure that the strays on the roads of Mumbai get a two-time meal and the necessary medications. I am very proud of what Namrrata is doing every day and it talks a lot about how a single person can make a change. This post is to request my friends and family to support Namrrata in her mission.
If you would want to help her, please extend support at +918779750703 or reach out to me via my email gargi@gargibiswas.com